John Francis Bongiovi, Jr, known popularly as Jon Bon Jovi is a famous American singer, lyricist, music producer, actor and philanthropist, best known for his role as the founder of the rock band titled ‘Bon Jovi’, formed in 1983. In a career spanning more than 4 decades, Bon Jovi has produced numerous albums and sold more than 130 million music ...

Richard Marx is a famous American pop/rock and contemporary singer, lyricist, musician and record producer, who has had a career in the industry for almost 4 decades in which he has sold more than 30 million records. He is a pop icon of the late 1980s and 1990s in which he delivered a series of hit singles and was named ...

The  Spice Girls are one of the best-selling pop group acts, the world has ever seen. Formed in 1994, they were on to become the biggest selling British pop group of all time, just behind The Beatles. They are also the best-selling female group of all time.   How were Spice Girls formed? In the mid-90s, Chris Herbert and Bob ...

Cynthia Ann Stephanie Lauper Thornton, better known as Cyndi Lauper,  is a famous American singer, lyricist, and actress as well as an LGBTQ activist. Lauper started her career in 1977 and has completed three decades in the industry. She made her debut with a solo album titled ‘She’s So Unusual’ in 1983. The album also earned Lauper her first Grammy ...

Philip David Charles “Phil” Collins LVO, is a famous English singer, lyricist, instrumentalist, music producer and actor, best known for his role as the lead singer and drummer of ‘Genesis’, a world famous rock band. In his more than 4 decades long career, Collins has scored three UK number one singles and seven singles that topped US Music charts. Apart ...

Prince Rogers Nelson was a songwriter, singer, record producer, multi instrumentalist and actor from America. He was popular for his flashy stage presence, stylish androgynous appeal,  eclectic bunch of musical talents that included playing the electric guitar, writing songs that broke records, and of course, his inimitable wide vocal range. Prince was widely known as the pioneer of Minneapolis sound. ...